
SAE Professional
translation agency

SAE Professional translation agency

Professional translation agency in Brescia and Bergamo

SAE – Servizio Assistenza Estero is a translation agency located in Brescia that has been supporting companies in building international relationships for almost 40 years.  Our services make us the ideal partner for companies and institutions that work with foreign countries and intend to improve the quality of their international communication.

We are specialized in Technical and Commercial Translations

SAE Professional translation agency

Traduzioni Tecniche

È il caso ad esempio della traduzione di manuali tecnici per macchinari industriali e software, ma anche manuali di istruzioni, schede tecniche, piani di manutenzione e garanzie.

SAE Professional translation agency

Traduzioni Commerciali

Dai contratti ai capitolati d’appalto, dai listini prezzi ai bandi di concorso, possiamo aiutarti con la traduzione di tutti i tuoi documenti commerciali.

SAE Professional translation agency

Traduzioni Pubblicitarie ed editoriali

Traduciamo testi pubblicitari, editoriali e di marketing di ogni sorta, per qualsiasi settore e canale di comunicazione.

SAE Professional translation agency

Traduzioni Scientifiche e Mediche

I nostri traduttori madrelingua professionisti possono aiutarti con la traduzione di articoli scientifici, tesi di laurea e di dottorato, ricerche e pubblicazioni medico scientifiche.

SAE Professional translation agency

Traduzioni Legali

Possiamo tradurre atti notarili, contratti, condizioni di vendita, termini, garanzie, regolamenti in qualsiasi lingua garantendoti la massima precisione.

SAE Professional translation agency

Traduzioni Finanziarie

Traduciamo bilanci, rendiconti e resoconti, analisi e business plan per la loro condivisione con filiali o sedi all’estero.

Interpreting and simultaneous translation in any language combination

40 years of experience

40 years of experience

Our translation agency experience is the result of activities and knowledge consolidated over the years working for companies from a wide variety of industrial, commercial, craft, institutional and service sectors.

Constant surveying allows us to improve every day, building on each individual professional experience.



SAE employs high-level professionals selected based on the strictest criteria: experienced mother-tongue translators specialized in linguistic, economic, legal, scientific, engineering and communication subjects, as well as interpreters, business consultants and temporary export managers for company internationalisation.

Competence, commitment and accuracy are the values that inspire us, allowing us to collaborate with companies that share and promote the same ideal of professionalism.

Meeting deadlines

Meeting deadlines

At SAE, we acknowledge our clients’ needs and urgencies, providing the resources necessary to provide customized translation and interpreting services on any occasion, with only one constant feature: our know-how.



Our mother-tongue translators work with the latest and most innovative translation memory-based CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools: they allow to identify new and repeated words, guaranteeing our clients both cost savings and vocabulary consistency.

Innovation and a constant focus on new solutions, markets, activities, channels and methods of communication make SAE an ideal partner for translation and interpreting services in Brescia and Bergamo.

SAE Professional translation agency

Services for company internationalization

At SAE, making use of high-level professionals specialized in economic, financial, administrative, linguistic and commercial subjects, we can provide our clients with a wide variety of services aimed at company internationalization, export and sales assistance in negotiating abroad.