Professional translations

Professional translation services in any language combination

We provide professional translations in any language combination, including both European languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Slovak, Polish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, etc.) and non-European languages (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, etc.).

Our professional translation services are organized by language, target channel, text typology and sector.

We acknowledge our clients’ needs and urgencies: we meet deadlines and use different resources to provide customized translation services.

Specialized mother-tongue translators

We use high-level professionals, who are selected based on strict criteria and are specialized in linguistic, economic, legal, scientific, engineering and communication subjects.

By collaborating with mother-tongue translators, we can provide multilingual translations to and from any language for any communication channel and for a wide variety of sectors.

In particular, you can turn to S.A.E. for professional translations such as:

Professional translations

Traduzioni Tecniche

È il caso ad esempio della traduzione di manuali tecnici per macchinari industriali e software, ma anche manuali di istruzioni, schede tecniche, piani di manutenzione e garanzie.

Professional translations

Traduzioni Commerciali

Dai contratti ai capitolati d’appalto, dai listini prezzi ai bandi di concorso, possiamo aiutarti con la traduzione di tutti i tuoi documenti commerciali.

Professional translations

Traduzioni Pubblicitarie ed editoriali

Traduciamo testi pubblicitari, editoriali e di marketing di ogni sorta, per qualsiasi settore e canale di comunicazione.

Professional translations

Traduzioni Scientifiche e Mediche

I nostri traduttori madrelingua professionisti possono aiutarti con la traduzione di articoli scientifici, tesi di laurea e di dottorato, ricerche e pubblicazioni medico scientifiche.

Professional translations

Traduzioni Legali

Possiamo tradurre atti notarili, contratti, condizioni di vendita, termini, garanzie, regolamenti in qualsiasi lingua garantendoti la massima precisione.

Professional translations

Traduzioni Finanziarie

Traduciamo bilanci, rendiconti e resoconti, analisi e business plan per la loro condivisione con filiali o sedi all’estero.

Do you need professional translations in Brescia and Bergamo?

Do you need professional translations in Brescia and Bergamo?

Professional translations

Our translation agency’s method

We have been using a well-established method for almost 40 years of experience in professional translations.

Actually, our translation agency collaborates with several qualified and certified mother-tongue translators with proven experience, involving translators of the language requested and specialized in the industrial or professional sector concerned.

Each text is dealt with by two translators (double-check) to ensure quality and accuracy.
• an expert mother-tongue translator for translation
• a second translator for a careful revision

Our translators are ready to collaborate with our clients and learn the appropriate sector terminology. They are also open to discussion and ready to advise clients to jointly identify the most proper word or idiom for the context.

In particular, our proof-readers make sure that no parts have been left out, texts are properly laid out, headings and texts are consistent and correct, tables of contents and paragraphs correspond and there is text and style continuity.

State-of-the-art tools for multilingual translations

Our mother-tongue translators use the latest and most innovative translation memory-based CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools. They allow to:

• identify new and repeated words, guaranteeing our clients both cost savings and vocabulary consistency;
• create a dedicated and customized glossary for each company, to be used for subsequent translations;
• perform a translation revision and correct any errors.

Professional translations