Legal Translations

SAE, your partner for legal translations

SAE also provides legal translations: we translate notarial deeds, contracts, sales terms, terms and conditions, warranties and regulations into any language, ensuring you the highest accuracy.

Translating legal documents is quite challenging and requires professional mother-tongue translators specialized in law and legal studies.
In fact, legal translation requires the use of appropriate and specific vocabulary as well as an in-depth knowledge of the target country law. This is essential for the translation to be proper and accurate both in linguistic and legal terms.


of legal documents

You can turn to SAE to translate legal documents of any kind:

Notarial deeds
Standard form contracts
General terms and conditions of sale
Condominium regulations
Internal rules
Legal notices
Terms and conditions

Notarial deeds
Standard form contracts
General terms and conditions of sale
Condominium regulations
Internal rules
Legal notices
Terms and conditions

Do you need a trusted partner for your legal translations?

Do you need a trusted partner for your legal translations?

Why choose SAE for legal translations?

Traduzioni legali con madrelingua specializzati

Expert legal mother-tongue translators

All our translators are native speakers of their target language. They are selected based on strict criteria and are specialized in law to ensure you accurate, proper and quality legal translations.

Traduzioni legali multilingue

Multilingual legal translations

Thanks to our team of translators, we can translate legal documents from/into any European and non-European language.

Traduzioni legali nei tempi richiesti

Legal translations that meet deadlines

We always try to meet the client’s needs, taking into account particular urgencies and requirements.

After a careful analysis, we select the most appropriate translator, ensuring full compliance with deadlines and individual requirements.

Metodo SAE per traduzioni legali

SAE method

Our method is based on double-checking to ensure accurate and quality translations: legal translations are made by specialized mother-tongue translators and subsequently reviewed by a second translator.

Software all'avanguardia per le traduzioni legali

State-of-the-art software for legal translations

For legal translations, we use state-of-the-art tools such as CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools: they are based on translation memory and allow to analyse the text, distinguishing between new and repeated words. They also allow to create and save a glossary of specific terms to be used for subsequent translations and revise translations.

Find out more about our translation services



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